

TCM Wellness

“Tui Na” massage literally means “push and grasp” aims to establish a more harmonious flow of Qi (life energy) through massage and hand manipulation techniques applied on various pressure points on the body to heal itself naturally.

Massotherapy refers to the therapeutic use of massage as a treatment for certain illnesses or diseases. Tui Na massage is an effective form of massotherapy.

Understanding the Meridians (Jing-Luo) Theory

Like acupuncture, TCM massage is based on the theory of meridians or channels and collaterals. According to this theory the body is networked by a system of pathways which function

  1. to transport Qi and Blood,
  2. to regulate yin and yang,
  3. to protect against external pathogens and
  4. to link the internal organs with the exterior.

Any blockage of the meridians causes pain and is intimately connected with all health problems.

TCM massage/Chinese massage is primarily focused on the meridians and on acupoints where Qi gathers and can be easily manipulated. massage techniques are understood to affect the meridians by:

  1. Activating Qi and Blood ( in the sense of increasing its activity)
  2. Regulating Qi and Blood ( in the sense of dispersing stagnation and guiding counterflow)
  3. Dredging the channels ( in the sense of removing external pathogens like cold and damp)

massage also relaxes the Jin ( sometimes mistranslated as tendons, Jin actually refers to the function of all soft and connective tissue in relation to movement and flexibility) to ease spasm and increase flexibility and straightens the joints. Both Jin and joints closely affect the flow of Qi in the Jing Luo.

These effects create movement in one form or another. Since in TCM terms, pain is simply a lack of free flow of Qi and Blood, this is why Chinese massage is such a powerful treatment for pain.

Tui Na massage

Tui Na (therapeutic massage, pronounced “tui nah“) is a form of bodywork that is very similar to osteopathy as it ensures that the skeleton is correctly aligned so that the normal functioning of the nerves is not compromised.

Tui Na works on the energy channels and points, using the same principles as acupuncture except that the hands and fingers are used instead of needles. Through a combination of massage and acupressure, Tui Na applies pressure to acupoints, meridians and groups of muscles or nerves to remove blockages that prevent the free flow of Qi. Many health problems are caused by such blockages, leading to pain, swelling and the build-up of toxins.

In a typical session, a complete patient history — which includes physical traumas, medications, surgeries and lifestyle habits — is taken. The therapist may also use Chinese herbs to facilitate quicker healing. Sessions last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, with the number of sessions varying with the problem at hand. The patient will usually feel more relaxed and energised by the treatment.

Tui Na works holistically, treating the mind through the body and vice versa. It leaves you with a deep sense of physical and mental relaxation, revitalisation and well-being.

Tui Na is best suited for rectifying certain types of chronic pain, musculoskeletal conditions and stress-related disorders.